Vaccine Clinics Dear Parents or Guardians,Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in helping us to keep our schools open and safe for in-person learning. Please see the following information regarding Vaccination Clinics for children from age 5-11 sent at the request of the Ministry of Education.
Family Literacy Day Activities Today is Family Literacy Day and this year's theme is Learning In The Great Outdoors. Here are 10 ideas to get you started
BGCDSB Releases 2020-2021 Director's Annual Report The board of trustees and senior administration team are happy to share the Director's Annual Report for 2020-2021. The theme follows our strategic plan: "Learn, Lead, Live the Word."
BGCDSB is Seeking Audit Committee Member BGCDSB is seeking one community member with financial expertise and business knowledge to serve on its Audit Committee for a three-year term effective May 2022
Returning to In-Person Learning Dear BGCDSB Community,As you have heard the Minister of Education in conjunction with the Chief Medical Officer of Health have announced that all elementary and secondary schools will open on Monday, January 17, 2022. We look forward to welcoming our students and staff back to our Catholic Schools after this period of virtual learning. We pray that you and your family have been safe during this time of increasing Covid 19 cases due to the Omicron variant.
Letter to Families from BGCDSB As we just heard from Premier Ford, schools will be moving to Virtual Learning from Wednesday, Jan. 5 to Friday Jan. 14 inclusive. At this time we are scheduled to resume in person learning on Monday, Jan. 17, 2022.
Updates to January 5 Return Date Dear BGCDSB families,In light of the announcement yesterday by Dr. Kieran Moore, please see the important information relative to our Catholic School District and the return of students after the Christmas Break.
Merry Christmas From Everyone at BGCDSB Merry Christmas and God Bless From Staff and Students at Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
TSH WAAG - November 15 - 19 Hoping everyone is keeping warm as the weather is definitely getting colder and more like the season of fall!
TSH WAAG - November 22 - 26 This week we think of our fellow Canadians in BC who are truly living in and through a terrible crisis!